ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

State governments of India

Okay kiddo, so India is a big country with many states inside it, just like how your school has different classrooms! Each state has its own government, just like how your classroom has a class teacher who takes care of things inside your classroom.

The state government takes care of things like making sure everyone in the state is safe and happy, helping people to get good jobs, building hospitals and schools, and making sure everyone in the state is treated fairly.

The state government is made up of people who are elected by the people of the state, just like how your class monitors are elected by the class for the role of class monitor. These people are called 'MLAs' which stands for Member of Legislative Assembly. They meet up in a big building called the ‘State Assembly’ to discuss important issues and make laws that they think will help the people of their state.

So just like how your school has a headmaster or principal who oversees everything, India also has a Prime Minister who takes care of things on a national level, and the state government takes care of things on a smaller scale, just within their own state.

Hope that helps you understand better, kiddo!