ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Statute Law Revision Act

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes laws are made by people called lawmakers? Sometimes, those lawmakers make mistakes or they want to change something in the law. When they do that, they create a new law that overrides the old one.

But what about all the old laws that are no longer valid? That's where the Statute Law Revision Act comes in. It's like cleaning out your toy closet to get rid of toys you don't play with anymore.

The Statute Law Revision Act is a law that helps get rid of old laws that aren't useful anymore. It's like a big book of laws, and it tells people which laws are still good and which ones have been replaced or are no longer important.

This act helps make things simpler and clearer for people who need to follow the laws. And that's why it's important!