ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Stonemasonry is like building with really big and heavy LEGO blocks! But instead of plastic, we use real stones like sandstone, granite, and marble.

First, we have to choose the right stones for our building. Some stones are stronger than others and some look prettier too! We also have to make sure they are the right size and shape for our design.

Once we have our stones, we use special tools to shape and cut them. Some tools look like hammers and others look like chisels. We use these tools to make the stones fit perfectly together like a puzzle.

Stonemasonry takes a lot of patience and skill. We have to be very careful not to break the stones or make them too small. It's like doing a big puzzle, but if we make a mistake, we can't just start over!

Once all the stones are in place, we use a special kind of cement to hold them together. This cement is made especially for stonemasonry and is very strong so the building doesn't fall apart.

Stonemasons build all kinds of things like buildings, bridges, and even sculptures! It's a really cool job and takes a lot of hard work and creativity.