ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Storage clamp

Okay kiddo, so a storage clamp is like a big outdoor closet for keeping food and other things safe. Farmers and people in agriculture use them to store things like potatoes, carrots, and other vegetables.

So imagine if you have a big pile of potatoes that you need to store for a long time, but you don't want them to get all yucky and spoiled. A storage clamp is a big outdoor mound of soil that you put the potatoes into. Once the potatoes are all in there, you cover them up with more soil so they are protected from the sun, wind, and rain.

The soil helps to insulate the potatoes, keeping them cool and dry. This helps prevent things like mold and bacteria from growing, which could make the potatoes go bad. And when you want to take some potatoes out to use, you can just dig a hole in the mound and grab them out.

So basically, a storage clamp is like a secret hideout for your food where it can stay safe and cozy until you need it.