ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stourm ar Brezhoneg

Stourm ar Brezhoneg means "Struggle for Breton" in the Breton language, which is a language spoken by people who live in Brittany, a region in France.

Think of it like this: Imagine you have a special toy that only you and your friends know how to play with. But then, some other kids come and say they want to play with it too, but they don't know how. You would want to teach them, right? That's what the Stourm ar Brezhoneg is all about.

People who speak Breton want others to learn and appreciate their language. They think it's important to keep their language alive so that it doesn't disappear. It's like taking care of a plant so that it doesn't wilt.

However, sometimes, it can be hard for people who speak Breton to find places where they can speak their language freely. This is because a lot of people in Brittany speak French instead. It's like going to a new school and not knowing anyone there or how to speak their language. It can be scary and isolating.

To make sure that the Breton language is respected and given the importance it deserves, people who speak Breton formed Stourm ar Brezhoneg. They work to make sure that people in Brittany have the right to learn and speak Breton. They also want to make sure that Breton people are treated fairly and not discriminated against because of their language.

So, in short, Stourm ar Brezhoneg is a group of people who are fighting to protect and promote the Breton language in Brittany. They believe that speaking Breton is part of their identity and culture, and they want to make sure it stays that way.