Streaming programming is like watching a really long movie. Imagine you are watching a movie and instead of watching the whole thing at once, you watch it in parts. When you're watching a movie, you're seeing the story unfold in front of your eyes slowly. Similarly in streaming programming, you are seeing data flow past you slowly.
For example, imagine that you're talking over the phone with your best friend, who is telling you about her day while you are writing it down. Every time your friend talks, you write down what she says in a notebook, and when you are done you have a complete record of her day. But instead of writing everything down at the end of the call, you write down what she says in real-time, as she is saying it.
Similarly in programming, streaming allows you to receive and process data in real-time, as it's being generated. This could be anything from online video streaming, to processing sensor data from a smart home.
It's like a continuous flow of information, where you can process the data as soon as it arrives, instead of waiting for it to all come in at once. This way, you can react quickly to changing conditions in the data, and make decisions or take actions based on new information as it becomes available.