ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Street light

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen those tall poles with a box on top that lights up the street at night? That's a street light! They help us see where we're going when it's dark outside.

Now, let's take a closer look at how it works. On top of the pole, there's a bulb called an LED or fluorescent light that gives off light. Inside the box, there's a control panel that tells the light when to turn on and when to turn off.

The control panel is connected to a sensor that can detect when it starts to get dark outside. This sensor knows that once it gets darker, the street light needs to turn on. So, when it's time for the light to turn on, the control panel sends electricity to the bulb, and it lights up!

But what about when it becomes light again in the morning? Well, the sensor works the opposite way too. It can tell when it's getting lighter, and then it knows to turn off the light. So, the control panel stops sending electricity to the bulb, and it turns off.

That's it! Street lights help keep us safe and make it easier for us to see when it's dark outside.