ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Structure relocation

Imagine you have a big puzzle that you need to move to a different place. But the puzzle is so big that you can't just pick it up and move it with your hands. You need to take it apart and then put it back together in the new place.

In the same way, when we want to move a big building or structure to a new location, we can't just pick it up and move it. We need to take it apart and then put it back together in the new place. This is called "structure relocation".

But if we take a building apart, how can we put it back together again so that it looks and works the same as before?

Well, before we take the building apart, we make a plan of where everything will go. We take pictures, measurements, and notes so that we can remember exactly how the building was organized. Then, we label each part of the building or structure so we know where it belongs when we put it back together.

Once we've labeled and taken apart the building, we load each part onto a truck and drive it to the new location. Then, we use our plan and labels to put everything back together, just like a puzzle.

It takes a lot of work and planning to move structures this way, but sometimes it's necessary if we want to save an old building or move a structure without damaging it.