ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Subsolar point

The subsolar point is like a tiny speck on Earth's surface where the sun is shining very, very brightly. It's basically like having a super strong flashlight pointing at one spot on the ground, and that spot is the subsolar point.

Now, this subsolar point moves around as the Earth spins and moves around the sun. Just like how you move around when you twirl around in a circle, or when you go around and around on a merry-go-round.

When it's daytime for you, it's because your part of the world is facing towards the subsolar point, so the sun's light is shining on you. But when it's nighttime for you, your part of the world is facing away from the subsolar point and towards the darkness of space.

So, the subsolar point is like a super bright spotlight that moves around the globe, shining on different parts of the world at different times.