ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sumak kawsay

Well hello there! Today we are going to talk about sumak kawsay, which is a very special way of living that people in a country called Ecuador like to follow.

Sumak Kawsay means "good living" in the language of the indigenous people who live in Ecuador. It's all about being happy and healthy, both as individuals and as a community.

Now, let's imagine that you want to have a happy and healthy life. You would probably want things like good food, clean water, a safe and comfortable place to live, and friends and family who love you. All of these things are part of sumak kawsay!

People who follow sumak kawsay also believe in taking care of the environment. This means not littering or polluting, protecting animals, and making sure that the resources we have (like trees, water, and air) are used in a responsible way.

Another important part of sumak kawsay is respecting others. This means treating people with kindness and fairness, even if they look or act differently from us.

So, in a nutshell, sumak kawsay is all about making sure that everyone has what they need to be happy and healthy, and being kind to each other and the environment. It's a very special way of living that helps people feel good about themselves and their community.