ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you have a lemonade stand and you sell a glass of lemonade for 50 cents. You make the lemonade with water, sugar, and lemons that you bought for 25 cents. So, you make a profit of 25 cents for every glass of lemonade that you sell.

Now imagine that you suddenly become really popular and everyone wants to buy your lemonade. You decide to raise the price to 75 cents. But, you realize you can still buy the same amount of water, sugar, and lemons for 25 cents. So, now you are making 50 cents of profit for every glass of lemonade that you sell. This extra profit is called "superprofit".

Superprofit is what happens when a company sells something for more money than it costs to make it. Companies try to make superprofit so they can make more money and grow their business. But, customers also want a good deal and may choose not to buy from a company that is charging too much for their product. It's important for companies to find a balance between making a profit and keeping their customers happy.