ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Supplementary protection certificate

A supplementary protection certificate (SPC) is like a special sticker that can be put on a toy to make it work for a little bit longer. In the same way, SPCs extend the time that companies can make money from their new inventions by protecting their patents.

When a company invents something new, they get a patent which means they have the exclusive right to make and sell that invention for a certain period of time, usually 20 years. However, it can take many years for the invention to be tested and approved before it can be sold to the public. This means that the company only has a few years left to make money from their invention once it is finally approved.

To solve this problem, SPCs were introduced. They allow companies to extend their patents for up to five years after they expire, giving them more time to make money from their invention. SPCs are only available for certain products, such as medicines, and are granted by the government.

In essence, SPCs are like a little extra time allowance for companies to sell their innovative products, just like a sticker gives a little extra playtime with our favorite toys.