ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Surface Air Lifted

Surface air lifting is when warm and moist air moves up from the ground to higher altitudes. It's like when you blow bubbles with a straw in your milk and the bubbles rise to the top. When the ground gets warm from the sun, the air above it gets warm too. Warm air is lighter than cool air, so it starts to rise up.

When this warm air rises, it can move over things like mountains or hills that are higher up. As it does, the air cools down because it's moving to a cooler area. This can create clouds and precipitation like rain or snow.

Think of it like a rollercoaster. The warm air is like the rollercoaster going up the tracks. As it goes up, it gets cooler and forms clouds - just like going down a drop on a rollercoaster. The clouds can then release the moisture they carry as rain or snow.

This process of surface air lifting is important for our planet because it helps to bring water to different areas and can influence the weather patterns.