ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Symbolist painters

Symbolist painters are artists who create paintings that are full of symbols. Symbols are things like shapes, colors, and objects that represent something else. For example, a white dove in a painting might represent peace.

Symbolist painters were popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and they liked to use symbols to create mysterious and dreamlike paintings. They wanted their paintings to make people think and feel something, rather than just showing what something looked like.

So, when you look at a symbolist painting, you might have to use your imagination to understand what the artist was trying to say. Some symbols might be easy to understand, like a heart that stands for love. But others might be more complicated, like a snake that could represent wisdom or temptation.

Overall, symbolist painters used symbols to add depth and meaning to their artwork, and they wanted people to be curious and thoughtful when they looked at their paintings.