ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Synchronous digital hierarchy

Okay kiddo, so let's talk about synchronous digital hierarchy, or SDH for short.

Do you know what a highway is? It's a big road that lots of cars and trucks can use to travel from one place to another. Now imagine data traveling on a highway - that's kind of like SDH.

SDH is a way of sending lots of data very quickly and efficiently over long distances through a network of optical fibers. It's like a highway for data!

The data is split up into little pieces called frames, like a bunch of cars traveling together in a convoy. Each frame is given a label, kind of like a license plate on a car, so it can be easily identified and sorted.

But it's not just about sending lots of data - it's about doing it in a smart way. SDH helps make sure that the data arrives at its destination in the right order and at the right speed, just like cars need to follow the speed limit and stay in their lane.

And just like highways have ramps and exits to help cars get on and off, SDH has special points called access points that let other networks join in or drop out of the data stream.

So that's SDH - a fast, efficient, and smart way of sending lots of data over long distances, kind of like a highway for data!