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Syrian Jewish cuisine

Syrian Jewish cuisine is the cooking style that comes from Syrian Jews, who are a group of Jewish people from the country of Syria. These types of foods are very special to people who belong to this group because they remind them of their family traditions and history.

Syrian Jewish cuisine is a mix of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean foods. The primary ingredients used in this type of cooking include lamb, beef, chicken, rice, bulgur, potatoes, eggplant, zucchini, parsley, and mint. Syrian Jewish cuisine is also known for its use of spices like cumin, paprika, oregano, and sumac.

Some of the most popular dishes in Syrian Jewish cuisine include Kebbeh, which is made from bulgur wheat, minced meat, and onions, and is shaped like a ball or a patty. Shakshuka, which is made from tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, and eggs, is another favorite dish. Another popular dish is the Syrian version of falafel, which is made from chickpeas that are mashed up and seasoned with spices like cumin and coriander.

Syrian Jewish cuisine also has plenty of sweet treats to offer, such as Baklava, which is a pastry made from layers of filo dough filled with chopped nuts and sweet syrup.

Overall, Syrian Jewish cuisine is a type of cooking that is deeply connected to the culture and history of the Syrian Jewish community. It is known for its flavorful dishes, use of fresh ingredients, and unique spices, making it a delicious and unique cuisine enjoyed by people around the world.