ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tày people

The Tày people are a type of people who live mainly in parts of Vietnam and China. They have their own language, which is called Tày, and their own culture with traditions and customs that make them different from other groups of people. The Tày people usually have black hair and dark eyes, just like many other people in the area where they live.

The Tày people traditionally live in wooden houses, and they usually make their living by farming, fishing, and raising animals like chickens and pigs. They grow crops like rice and corn, and they also use plants to make medicines to help take care of themselves when they get sick.

The Tày people are very good at singing and dancing, and they like to have festivals and celebrations where they can show off their talents. During these celebrations, people wear colorful clothes and often make traditional foods, like sticky rice and grilled meats.

Overall, the Tày people are a unique and special group of people with their own language, customs, and way of life. They contribute to the amazing diversity that makes our world such an interesting and vibrant place.