ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

T3 Tanker

Okay kiddo, a t3 tanker is a big boat that carries a lot of oil or other liquids from one place to another. It's like a giant bathtub on water!

The t3 tanker is kind of shaped like a long tube with a flat bottom and a curved top. It has big engines that help it move through the water, and a steering wheel called a "helm" that is used to steer the boat in the right direction.

The tanker has big compartments inside called "tanks" that hold the liquid cargo. When the tanker gets to where it needs to go, it can pump the liquid out into a big storage tank on land or into smaller boats that can take it to different places.

It's really important that the t3 tanker is operated safely and carefully, because spilling the liquid it's carrying can be very dangerous for the environment and for people. That's why there are rules and regulations in place to make sure the t3 tanker follows safety procedures and is inspected regularly.

Overall, the t3 tanker is a big and powerful boat that helps transport important liquids all over the world. And that's how it works, kiddo!