ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tabernacle (Methodist)

Okay kiddo, so a tabernacle is a special box that some churches use to hold something called the sacrament. The sacrament is usually bread or wafers that are blessed by a minister during a special church service called communion.

The tabernacle is usually a fancy box made of gold or other special materials, and it is usually kept somewhere special in the church, like near the altar or in a special room.

When people want to take communion, they go to the tabernacle and take a piece of the blessed bread or wafer. It's kind of like a special snack that reminds people of Jesus and the important things he did.

In some Methodist churches, the tabernacle is used to store and protect the sacrament when it is not being used in a church service. This helps keep it safe and special until the next time it is needed for communion.