ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so imagine you have a group of friends and you always play together, but one day one friend comes along and starts telling you what games to play and how to play them. You might not like this because it feels like this new friend is controlling everything and not listening to anyone else's ideas. Well, that's kind of what talibanization is like.

Talibanization is when one group of people or leaders takes control of a society and imposes their rules and beliefs on everyone else. This often involves limiting the freedoms and rights of certain groups, like women or religious minorities. It can also mean forcing everyone to follow specific religious or cultural practices, even if they don't want to.

This term is often used to talk about how the Taliban, a group in Afghanistan, took control of the country in the late 1990s and early 2000s. They imposed their strict version of Islamic law on the entire population, often using violence and intimidation to enforce their rules.

Overall, talibanization is when a small group of people impose their beliefs and rules on everyone else, often leading to lost freedoms and rights for those who don't agree with them.