ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tank desant

Okay kiddo, so imagine you and your friends are playing a game where you have to get from one end of the room to the other. But there's a problem - there are some big obstacles in the way, like a bunch of toys or pillows on the ground.

Now imagine that you have a big toy tank that can drive over those obstacles easily. But there's still one problem - you can't fit inside the tank and drive it at the same time.

So what do you do? Well, you climb on top of the tank and ride it like a wild horse while someone else drives it for you! That's kind of like what happens with tank desant.

In real life, soldiers sometimes need to get from one place to another in a dangerous area where there might be a lot of enemy soldiers. But driving a regular truck or car wouldn't be safe, because those vehicles are easy targets for the bad guys.

So instead, they might use a big tank that can drive over rough terrain and has a lot of armor to protect them from enemy fire. But tanks aren't really designed to carry people inside, so the soldiers have to ride on top of the tank instead.

It might not be the most comfortable ride in the world, but it's a lot safer than driving a regular vehicle through a dangerous area. And it's kind of cool to ride on top of a tank like a cowboy or cowgirl!