ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Targum Neofiti

Targum Neofiti is a very old book that talks about the Bible. It is written in a special language called Aramaic, which was spoken a long time ago by people who lived in the same place as Jesus. Aramaic was kind of like a super cool secret language that only a select few people knew how to speak, so when people wrote things down in that language, they wanted their words to be very special and important.

In the Bible, there are many different stories about God and the world he created. Targum Neofiti is kind of like a guide that helps people understand those stories better. It adds extra notes and explanations to the original text, so that people who maybe don't know everything about the time period or who aren't sure what certain words mean can better understand what is being said.

Basically, think of Targum Neofiti like a really awesome helper that makes the Bible easier to read and understand. It's like having a friend who is really good at explaining things to you!