ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tarnovo Literary School

Hey there little one! Today we're going to talk about something called the "Tarnovo Literary School".

Now, a long time ago, in a place called Bulgaria, there were some really smart people who loved writing stories, poems and plays. They were so good at it that people started calling them the "Tarnovo Literary School" because they lived in a city called Tarnovo and they were like a school of writers.

These writers liked to write about all sorts of things like love, nature, and history. They would often use big words and fancy language, but they would also write in a way that was easy to understand for everyone.

Can you imagine if all the stories in the world were boring and hard to understand? That wouldn't be very fun, would it? But these writers from the Tarnovo Literary School made sure that their stories were exciting and understandable for all their readers.

So, that's what the "Tarnovo Literary School" was all about. They were a group of really talented writers who lived in Bulgaria a long time ago and they wrote stories that were both beautiful and easy to understand.