ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tarxien Temples

Tarxien Temples are really, really old buildings that people made a long, long time ago on an island called Malta. They are so old that they were made before the pyramids in Egypt! People who lived a long time ago on Malta made these temples out of big stones that they found in the area. Can you imagine lifting and moving such heavy stones way back then without any big machines?

The Tarxien Temples are like a big puzzle with lots of pieces. They have big walls that go all the way around them, and inside the walls are rooms that people used a long time ago for different things like maybe praying or saying thank you to their gods.

The stones that make the temples have some really cool shapes carved into them too! There are shapes of animals like bulls and pigs and plants like palm trees. Maybe people who built the temples wanted to show what their gods looked like, or what animals they liked, or maybe they were just having fun making art!

Even though the Tarxien Temples are really old now, people can still go see them today! People take really good care of them so they last a long, long time. How cool is that?