ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine your tongue is like a little playground for your taste buds. They all work together to help you taste different things when you eat or drink something.

There are five basic tastes that your buds can detect:

1. Sweet - like candy or sugary drinks.

2. Sour - like lemons or limes.

3. Salty - like chips or fries.

4. Bitter - like broccoli or some medicines.

5. Umami (pronounced oo-MAH-mee) - like savory meats or cheeses.

When you eat something, your taste buds send a message to your brain that tells you what flavor you are experiencing. Sometimes, you might like a certain taste and want more of it, like when you eat ice cream. Other times, a taste might be too strong or not very good, like when you eat something spicy or gross.

But remember, just because something tastes a certain way to you, doesn't mean it tastes the same to everyone else. That's what makes different foods and drinks so interesting - everyone has their own unique taste preferences!