ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Taylor series

Imagine you have a super cool machine that can do something called "approximating". When you give it a simple math problem, like "what's 3+3", it can give you the answer really fast. But what about more complicated problems, like "what's 25 x 17"? You might not be able to do that in your head, but your super cool machine can! It uses something called a "Taylor series" to make a really good guess.

Basically, a Taylor series is like a recipe that tells your machine how to break down big math problems into smaller pieces, kind of like cutting a pie into slices. Once the problem is broken down into smaller pieces, the machine can use a special formula to add up all those little slices and get a really good guess for the answer.

But what happens if the machine didn't get the exact answer? Well, that's where the "approximation" part comes in. The machine might get pretty close to the right answer, but it might not be exactly right. So it's not perfect, but it's still pretty cool!