ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tecumseh's Confederacy

Tecumseh's Confederacy was a group of Native American tribes who joined together to form a big team. This team was led by a man named Tecumseh who wanted to protect his people's land and way of life.

Think of it like when you play a game with your friends - sometimes you need to join forces to beat a big boss or complete a mission. Tecumseh's team was like that, all working together to protect their land.

Tecumseh believed that all Native American tribes should work together to stop the white settlers from taking their land. He wanted to create a big country for all Native Americans, instead of each tribe fighting alone.

But just like in the game, not everyone wanted to join the team. Some tribes thought they could do better on their own, and some even sided with the white settlers.

In the end, Tecumseh's Confederacy fought against the United States in the Battle of Tippecanoe, but they lost. Even though they didn't win the battle, Tecumseh's Confederacy is still remembered as an important example of Native American unity.