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Telecommunications in China

Telecommunications in China is all about how people communicate with each other using various devices such as phones, computers, and other electronic gadgets. In China, there are many different companies that provide telecommunications services like internet, mobile phones, and fixed-line phones.

In China, the government has a lot of control over the telecommunications industry. They make rules and regulations that companies have to follow, and they also own some of the big telecom companies. This means that the government has a lot of say in how people communicate with each other in China.

One of the major telecom providers in China is China Mobile. They are the biggest mobile phone company in the world, with over 900 million customers. China Telecom and China Unicom are also big players in the telecommunications market in China.

The government has also set up a system called the Great Firewall of China, which is a way of controlling what people can see and say online. This means that people in China can't access some websites or social media platforms that are available in other countries. The government says this is to protect their citizens from harmful content, but it has also been criticized for limiting freedom of speech.

Overall, telecommunications in China involves many different companies and is heavily influenced by the government. Despite some restrictions, people in China are still able to communicate with each other and have access to a range of telecommunications services.