ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Television director

Okay kiddo, have you ever watched a movie or a show on TV? Well, there's someone who is kind of like the boss of everything that happens on screen. That person is called the television director.

The director is like the coach of a sports team. They tell everyone what to do and when to do it. But instead of players on a field, they have actors who pretend to be different characters.

The director decides where to put the cameras, what shots to take, and how to make the story look and feel. They make sure everything looks good, sounds good, and makes sense so that you, the viewer, can understand what's happening.

Before they start filming, the director works with other people like the writer, producer, and actors to come up with ideas and a plan for how the story should be told. Then, during filming, they make sure everything is going according to plan.

So basically, the television director is like a puppet master, making all the pieces come together to create a great TV show that we enjoy watching!