ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tell Beit Mirsim

Okay kiddo, let's talk about tell beit mirsim. You know how when we go to the beach, we can see the sand dunes? Well, tell beit mirsim is a bit like that. It's a big mound of dirt and rocks that's been there for a really long time, even longer than you've been alive!

But why is it special? Well, a long, long time ago, there were people who lived in that area, and they built houses and temples right on top of the mound. Imagine building your house on top of a sand dune – it would be pretty cool, right?

Over time, those people left the area, and the houses and temples were abandoned. But people still remembered that there used to be something special there, so they started digging to find out what was under the ground.

And do you know what they found? Lots of cool things! They found pottery that the people who lived there used to eat and drink from, and they found statues that the people used to worship.

So, even though the people who built those things are long gone, we can still learn about them by studying the things they left behind. And that's why tell beit mirsim is such an important place – it helps us understand what life was like a long, long time ago.