ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Duess Test

The Duess test is like a game teachers play to see how well children can read and understand words. It's kind of like a puzzle!

The teacher will show you a piece of paper that has a word on it, but one of the letters in the word is missing. Your job is to look at the rest of the letters and figure out what the word says.

For example, if the word on the paper is "cat" but the letter "a" is missing, you would have to say "cat" out loud and fill in the missing letter in your head.

The teacher will keep showing you different words with missing letters and you have to keep figuring them out. It's important to try your best because the teacher wants to know how well you can read and understand words.

But don't worry, it's just a fun little game and you can do it!