ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Grapes of Wrath

The grapes of wrath is a story about a family called the Joads who lived in Oklahoma during the 1930s. At this time, a serious problem called the Dust Bowl was happening in the area where they lived. This meant that their land was dry and dusty, making it very hard to grow crops and make a living. Many people were forced to leave their home and find work elsewhere.

The Joad family decided to travel to California in search of better opportunities. They piled into a big truck with all of their belongings and started on their journey. Along the way, they faced many challenges such as bad weather and car trouble. They also met other families who were in the same situation as them.

When they finally arrived in California, they realized that things were not as easy as they thought they would be. Many people were competing for the same jobs and there was not enough work to go around. The Joads and other migrant workers were often paid very little money for long hours of hard work.

Overall, the grapes of wrath is a book that shows the struggles that many people went through during the Great Depression. It also brings attention to the mistreatment of migrant workers and the importance of standing up for what is right.
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