ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The International Molinological Society

The International Molinological Society is a group of people who are very interested in windmills and watermills. They like to study how these types of mills were built, how they work, and how they were used in the past. The people from the International Molinological Society come from all over the world and they speak different languages, but they all share the same interest in mills.

The word "molinology" comes from the Spanish word "molino," which means "mill." So, it is a special word that means the study of mills. The International Molinological Society was started in 1965 by a group of people who wanted to share their interest in mills with others who are just as passionate about them. Today, it has members from around 20 countries.

The International Molinological Society works in different ways. They have meetings and conferences where people can share their research or talk about their experiences with mills. And they also publish books and articles about mills and molinology. This way, people all over the world can learn more about mills and the history surrounding them.

The International Molinological Society also works to preserve old mills that are no longer in use. They want to make sure that these special machines continue to exist so we can learn about them and understand how they were used in the past. This way, we can appreciate the hard work and ingenuity that went into building and using mills in the past.

Overall, the International Molinological Society is a group of people who love learning about mills and their history. They work together to share their knowledge and preserve these unique machines for future generations to appreciate.