ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Tares

Okay kiddo, so you know how when we plant seeds in a garden, sometimes other plants that we don't want grow there too? Those other plants are called "tares."

In the Bible, there is a story about a man who planted good seeds in his field, but while he was sleeping, an enemy came and planted some tares among the good seeds. When the seeds grew into plants, the man noticed there were tares growing among his good plants.

His servants wanted to pull up the tares, but the man said to wait until the harvest time. During the harvest, they would be able to tell which plants were tares and which were the good plants. Then they could pull up the tares without damaging the good plants.

So basically, the tares were a bad plant that grew among the good plants, but they had to wait until the right time to remove them without harming the good plants.