ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

The Wright brothers patent war

Ok kiddo, so a long time ago, two brothers named Wilbur and Orville Wright made the first airplane that could fly. They were very proud of their invention and wanted to make sure no one else could copy it.

So they went to the government and got something called a patent. A patent is like a special sticker that the government gives you that says you are the only one who can make something for a certain amount of time.

The Wright brothers were the first ones to get a patent for an airplane, but other people wanted to make airplanes too. The problem was, the Wright brothers didn't want anyone else to make airplanes like theirs, even if they improved on the design.

So they started something called a patent war. That means they would sue anyone who tried to make an airplane like theirs. Some people thought that wasn't fair because the Wright brothers didn't really invent everything that makes an airplane work.

In the end, the Wright brothers didn't really win the patent war, but they still kept their patent for a while. Eventually, other people were able to make airplanes too, and now we have airplanes that can fly all over the world!