ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Theme (music)

Okay, so you know how sometimes you have a favorite story or movie that you like to watch over and over again? Every time you watch it, you hear a special song that goes along with it. That song is called the theme song.

The theme song is like the special music that tells you what the story or movie is all about. It is the music that you hear at the beginning or end of the story or movie.

For example, do you remember the music you hear at the beginning of your favorite movie when the words show up on the screen? That is the theme song. The music might sound happy or sad or scary, and it helps you feel the same emotions that the story or movie is trying to make you feel.

So, in short, a theme song is like the special music for your favorite story or movies that helps you understand what's going on and feel the right emotions.