ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Theophilus of Antioch

Theophilus of Antioch was a really smart guy who lived a long time ago, almost 2000 years ago! He wrote a lot of things about God and how to be a good Christian. He was from a place called Antioch which was a really big city at the time.

Theophilus wrote some really important letters to people who were asking questions about God and religion. He wanted to make sure people understood what it meant to be a Christian and how to live a good life. He talked about things like loving others, being kind and honest, and following God’s rules.

Theophilus also talked about some things that people were wondering about at the time, like miracles and Jesus’ teachings. He wanted people to have a better understanding of these things so they could be better Christians. He even wrote a book called “To Autolycus”, where he explained things in a cool and interesting way.

Many people today still read Theophilus’ writings to learn more about Christianity and how to live a good life. Even though he was really smart and wrote a lot of important things, he was still just a regular person like you and me who wanted to do good in the world.