ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Theoretical key

Imagine you have a secret code that you write using letters and numbers. To keep it secure, you use something called a key. A key is like a special code that only you and the person you want to share the secret with know about.

Now, let's talk about a theoretical key. Theoretical key is a fancy term for a key that doesn't actually exist in real life. It's kind of like pretending to have a key, but not actually having the key.

When people want to keep their secrets safe, they often use something called encryption. Encryption is like putting your secret message inside a locked box. To open the box and read the message, you need a key. But remember, we are talking about a theoretical key here, so we don't actually have a real key to open the box.

Instead, we use something called math to create this theoretical key. Math is like magic that helps us solve puzzles. Theoretical keys are made using really complicated math equations that are very hard to figure out.

Even though we don't have a physical key, the theoretical key is important because it helps us unlock the secret message that's inside the locked box. Without the key, it's almost impossible to figure out what the secret message says.

So, to sum it up, a theoretical key is like a pretend key that helps us open a locked box with a secret message. The key doesn't actually exist, but it's made using super complicated math so that only the right person can unlock the secret message.