ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Therac-25 was a machine used by doctors to give radiation treatment to people who had cancer. It was made a long time ago, in the 1980s, and it was one of the first machines that could give both X-rays and electronic radiation to people.

The machine had a big metal arm attached to it and this arm could move around to aim the radiation at the part of the person's body that needed treatment. The Therac-25 had a computer inside of it, which controlled how much radiation the person was supposed to get, and for how long.

Unfortunately, there were some problems with the computer inside the machine. Sometimes it would tell the machine to give too much radiation and this was very dangerous for the person because it could hurt them or make them sick. In some cases, it even caused people to get burned or die from radiation poisoning.

This was a big problem and the people who made the Therac-25 had to make some changes to it. They had to make sure the computer inside the machine was working properly so that it wouldn't give too much radiation to people. They also had to be very careful when using the machine to make sure that it wasn't hurting anyone.

In the end, people had to stop using the Therac-25 because it was too dangerous. Scientists learned a lot from this mistake and now they are much more careful when making new machines for treating cancer so that they don't have the same problems that the Therac-25 did.