ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Three-schema approach

The three-schema approach is like having three different boxes to keep all your information organized.

The first box is where you keep all the information you need to store or save. This is called the concept box. In the concept box, you write down all the things you want to remember like names, numbers, dates, and other important information.

The second box is called the internal schema box. This box is like a plan or blueprint of how to organize and store your information. The internal schema box helps you decide how to group your information into different categories and how to make sure it's all in the right place.

The third box is the external schema box. This is where you organize how people can access and use your stored information. Think of it like an instruction manual for others to use your stuff.

All these boxes work together to make sure you have all your important information neatly organized, easy to find, and simple for others to use.