ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ticonderoga-class cruiser

Okay kiddo, the Ticonderoga-class cruiser is like a really big boat that can go in the water and also shoot really big guns to protect itself. It's like a superhero boat!

This boat is so big that it has lots of rooms inside, like a house. But instead of bedrooms and living rooms, it has rooms for the crew to do their jobs. There's a room to steer the boat, a room to watch for bad guys, a room to make food and lots of other rooms for all sorts of things.

And remember those big guns we talked about? Well, they're called missiles and they can shoot really far and really fast to hit bad guys or things that might hurt the boat. The boat also has other smaller guns to protect itself too.

The boat can also go super fast in the water. So fast that it can keep up with other boats and even airplanes! It's like a racecar but on the water.

So, the Ticonderoga-class cruiser is a big, strong, and fast boat that is like a superhero boat that can protect itself and help keep us safe. Pretty cool, huh?