ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tiling window manager

A tiling window manager is like a puzzle. You know how you put puzzle pieces together to make a picture? A tiling window manager does the same thing with your computer screen.

Instead of letting you move the windows around yourself, the tiling window manager decides where to put them. It looks at all the open windows and makes sure they fit together perfectly.

For example, if you opened two windows, one on the left and one on the right, the tiling window manager would split the screen in half, and each window would take up exactly half of the screen.

If you opened three windows, the tiling window manager would split the screen into thirds, and each window would take up one-third of the screen.

The tiling window manager also helps you switch between windows quickly. Since all the windows are arranged together like puzzle pieces, the tiling window manager lets you move between them using keyboard shortcuts.

So, a tiling window manager is like a smart puzzle solver that helps you organize your windows and move between them quickly.
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