ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Time domain reflectometer

A time domain reflectometer or TDR is like a special tool that helps you see if there's anything wrong with a wire or cable. Imagine you're playing with a really long piece of string. You hold one end of the string and your friend holds the other end. You send a message down the string by shaking it, and your friend on the other end can feel the shaking and knows what you're saying. But what if there's a knot or a tangle in the middle of the string? Then your message won't get through properly. The TDR helps you find out if there's a tangle or knot in the wire or cable.

The TDR works by sending a really fast signal down the wire or cable. The signal bounces back when it gets to the end of the wire or when it hits a tangle. The TDR measures how long it takes for the signal to come back and how strong it is. If the signal comes back quickly and strong, that means the wire or cable is good. But if it takes a long time to come back or if it's weak, then there might be a problem.

So, the TDR helps us find problems in wires and cables, just like how we find tangles in a long piece of string.