ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tire recycling

Okay, kiddo, so you know how cars and bicycles have those big round rubber things on their wheels? Those things are called tires! And when those tires get old or worn out, they need to be replaced.

But what happens to those old tires once they're taken off the car or bike? Well, that's where tire recycling comes in!

Tire recycling is when people take those old tires and turn them into something new instead of just throwing them away. When a tire is recycled, it can be turned into lots of different things like playground surfaces, gym mats, or even new tires!

Recycling tires is really important because when old tires are thrown away, they can cause a lot of problems. They can take up a lot of space in landfills and they can also be dangerous for the environment. Sometimes, old tires can even become breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other bugs!

So, by recycling tires, we can help protect the environment and make sure that those old tires don't go to waste. And that's why tire recycling is such an important thing for us to do!