ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

To Catch a Predator

Okay kiddo, let's talk about "To Catch a Predator". Have you ever heard of the show? It's all about catching people who try to do bad things to kids.

See, there are some grown-ups out there who want to hurt kids by doing things like talking to them in a bad way or even meeting up with them in person. That's really, really not okay and it's important to stop them.

So, what the people behind "To Catch a Predator" do is set up a trap to catch these bad guys. They make a fake profile of a kid online and wait for someone to start talking to them in a bad way. When that happens, they keep talking to the person and pretend to be the kid.

If the bad guy asks to meet up with the fake kid, that's when the people behind the show step in. They come in and make sure the bad guy doesn't hurt anyone. Then they call the police and the bad guy gets in trouble for trying to hurt kids.

It's a really important show because it helps keep kids safe from bad guys.