ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Public humiliation

Hello, sweetie! Sometimes when people do something wrong or bad, other people will make fun of them, call them names or share their mistakes with others on purpose to make them feel embarrassed or ashamed. This is called public humiliation.

Think about when you accidentally spill your juice all over your shirt and your friends start laughing at you. Even though they might not mean to be mean or hurtful, it can still make you feel embarrassed and ashamed. Public humiliation is like that, but on a much larger scale.

In some cases, public humiliation can happen online, like when someone shares an embarrassing photo or video of someone else on social media. People can be very mean online, and sometimes it can feel like the entire world is watching and making fun of you.

Public humiliation is not a nice thing to do to other people. It can hurt their feelings very badly, and it's not fair to make someone feel bad about themselves just because they made a mistake.

Remember, it's important to treat others how you would like to be treated. If you wouldn't want someone to humiliate or embarrass you in public, then you shouldn't do it to someone else. Let's be kind to each other, okay?