ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of the word "charivari"? It's a fancy French word, but it means something that some people used to do a long, long time ago.

So imagine there's a group of people who live in a town. One day, one of them does something bad or shameful, like cheating or stealing. The other people in the town might not like this behavior, and they want to show that they're angry about it. But instead of just yelling or getting mad, they decide to do something different!

They get together and make a lot of noise – banging pots and pans, shouting, and even playing music on instruments. This noisy group of people is called a charivari. And they would go to the person's house who did the bad thing and make this big racket outside their house.

The point of the charivari was to shame the person who did the bad thing. It was sort of like saying, "Hey, we don't like what you did, and we want you to know that you did something wrong!"

So that's what a charivari is! It's a big, loud group of people who make noise to show their disapproval of someone's bad behavior. But nowadays, we usually just talk to people calmly and tell them when they did something wrong, instead of making a big noisy charivari!