ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Token threading

Imagine you have a long strand of beads and you want to make a pretty necklace. You start by threading the beads onto a piece of string one by one, until you have a beautiful necklace.

Token threading is kind of like that, but instead of beads and string, we're talking about computer programs and snippets of code. Each program or code snippet is like a bead, and we want to thread them together to make something useful.

Tokens are the individual pieces of code that we want to thread together. They might be commands like "print" or "if" statements, or they could be more complex sections of code. To thread them together, we need a system that knows which tokens come next and can keep track of them all.

That system is like a pattern for our necklace. We know exactly which beads come next and where they should go to make the necklace look good. With token threading, we have a pattern that tells us which tokens come next and what they should do. It helps us make sure that our code runs smoothly and doesn't get tangled up.

So, think of token threading like making a necklace out of beads. You start with individual pieces and put them together in the right order to make something beautiful!