ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Toll-like receptor 7

Okay kiddo, picture your body as a castle and viruses and bacteria as bad guys trying to invade it. Toll-like receptor 7 (TLR7) is like a knight who stands at the gate of the castle and blows his trumpet when he sees a bad guy coming.

When a bad guy (virus or bacteria) comes close to the castle walls, TLR7 uses its special power to recognize a specific part of the bad guy called RNA. Then, TLR7 blows its trumpet and sends a message to the immune system that says, "Hey, there's a bad guy here! Activate the troops, we need to defend the castle!"

The immune system then sends out a bunch of soldiers, called white blood cells or lymphocytes, to fight off the bad guy. These soldiers use their own special powers to attack and destroy the bad guys.

TLR7 is really important because without it, the knight at the gate would miss some of the bad guys trying to invade the castle, and the immune system wouldn't be able to protect the body as well. So, TLR7 is like a superhero that helps keep the body healthy and strong by fighting off bad guys!