ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Traditional rhyme

Okay kiddo, have you ever sung a song that had the same ending sound for each line? That's called a rhyme! It's like a fun little puzzle for your brain to figure out which words sound the same.

Now, some rhymes are called "traditional rhymes" because people have been using them for a long, long time. Like, even your great-great-great-great-great grandparents might have known these kinds of rhymes.

Traditional rhymes often have a certain rhythm or beat to them too, so they sound really nice and bouncy when you sing or say them. They can be about anything - animals, people, places, things - and they're a great way to remember stuff too, like nursery rhymes that teach you about counting or colors or even manners.

So next time you hear a song or a poem that has words that sound the same at the end of each line, know that you're listening to a traditional rhyme!